Saturday, February 28, 2009

20 months

The computer has been gone for the past week. GONE. It was terrible. And if I thought it was terrible, considering that I work for the entire day and have access to a computer, then think of how poor Steven was cut off from the world. Poor, deprived Steven. And I'm not even sure if the computer is completely fixed. I brought it home and it pooped out again. So I downloaded Firefox instead and it's working fine. IE you may just be the death of me.

Not a lot has been happening this past week. We've almost finished the living room. I did some paint touch ups today and holy crap. The more you examine a section, the more you see wrong. Damn it. And to top it off, one of the touch ups looks worse than before. What am I supposed to do? It's too friggin low to hang a picture over it. Maybe I'll strategically place some stuffed animals and cozys on the top of the couch to camouflage the area.

And now on to more important things. My baby. He is growing up.
Ever since he turned one, I always feel like a tool for saying xx months. But there you go. He's 20 months. I have a toddler. NOT a baby. He's closer to two years old than one year old. He's a hugger. You ask for a hug and those tiny arms and hands wrap tightly around your neck and it is the sweetest feeling in the world. And he's a kisser. Although, a bit of a messy kisser. And at times an open mouth, tongue licking, sucking on your nose or cheek kind of kisser. It's definitely a learned talent as opposed to an inherent one.

He loves his food. For such a tiny guy, he's got quite an appetite. He is also quite particular in his eating habits. He likes to feed himself, thank you very much. If you try and feed him, he swings his arms back and forth like an umpire calling an out at home plate. He also likes to throw his dishes and cutlery to the floor to signify that he's done eating that particular food. We're trying to dissuade him from this behaviour as I'm sure it won't go over well at friends and public places.

He still feeds Riley some of his meals and he always shares his bedtime snacks. (we usually have fruit before bed)

He chatters incessantly but still not clearly. He can say drink, juice, cheese, "Where is it?", Riley, daddy, mommy, Jello, bathtime, naptime, dinnertime (but as my sister Cindy says it all sounds the same). He loves Elmo and Sesame Street (but really, who doesn't). He loves loves LOVES jello and tater tots and fruit.

John loves walking. And he loves the ladies. It's kind of embarrassing actually. We'll be out walking somewhere and he'll slow down and look at a girl . Then he'll stop and watch her. And then he'll follow her. What a charmer. And possibly potential stalker. Whatever.

I don't know how much he weighs nor do I know how tall he is. I do know that he is growing unbelievably fast and he's at least 1/2 my height now. I'm a bit worried that he's going to be taller than me sooner rather than later.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Survived Another Week

Man, for a short week, it was a long wrenching mind numbing topsy turvy week. I am glad it is almost over.

We are getting new carpet installed in the living room tomorrow morning. As soon as I am done posting, I am up to move furniture again.

John is only eating well at meal times when he is allowed to feed himself. While messy, it is necessary. And always, always funny.

Most of the furniture is still scattered throughout the house.

Because Steven doesn't ever watch commercials (which I HATE), John has developed the same syndrome. God forbid if a commercial comes on during one of his shows. He runs over to the remote control and brings it over to me, all the while gesturing to the TV commercial. Poor boy, he's so deprived. I make him watch commercials.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Day

Most families try and spend some quality time together on Family Day. We prepped and painted the living room. It was a family affair.

The new color is called Beechwood. I am a master painter. Did I mention that we are all sick?

And then Justin dropped by on his way thru town, we went out for dinner and back to the house to hang out. Felt kind of bad since all the furniture from the living room was either in the kitchen or in the family room. There was barely enough room to turn around. Luckily we had 3 seats available...barely.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all my girlfriends...
oops I mean, my one and only girlfriend.
yeah, one and only. you know who you are!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th...

but it is also the beginning of a long weekend.

it is also payday.

and a Friday is still a FRIDAY!

Man, this was a long week. John has a cold. And now Steven has a cold. Quick, everyone pray to the health Gods on my behalf.

John started swim lessons last Sunday. After a bit of an apprehensive start, he totally loved it. He splashed. His chubby arms were moving, his legs were kicking. He was laughing and enjoying everything. A couple weeks ago, Steven started showing John how to blow bubbles in the bath; and while he's got the lip movements and the noises down pat, the face/lips in the water is still a work in progress. He understands the theory of blowing bubbles in the water just not so much the actual action. At least this time he doesn't curl up like a dead spider in the water.

And we started storytime last Monday. I'm so very excited that storytime at the library this time is every Monday until the end of April's an hour long! Woot! We'll see if John's got the attention span for it. Last storytime was only 1/2 hour and we had to leave early because someone spazzed out because he wasn't allowed to rummage through my purse instead of listening to the story lady.

Monday, February 9, 2009


This is me. (I think it is grade 1)

and this is my son.

me. (I loved this shirt)

my son.


my son.

do you see Steven at all?

John is definitely my son.

If anyone has any baby pictures of Steven, please send them to me so we can compare features.

John has Steven's temperment, stubborness and hopefully height.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Me: Why does John have those scissors?
Steven: because he dropped the hammer.