Trick or Treat Everyone! This year we were fortunate to have wonderful weather, halloween on a Friday and a nice friend who came over to our house to hand out the treats so both Steven & I were able to take John out. (THANKS Crystal!)
We carved our pumpkins (one for each of us). I don't know why but I love carving pumpkins.
I did the spiderweb, that one is John's pumpkin. Steven carved the wolves for Riley.
And these one aren't lit up that well so the flash kept going off. And then I'd turn the flash off and you couldn't see the pumpkins... anyway, trust me on this one but the one on the left is VERY scary when it's lit up. It's a "horror face". That one is mine. And the other one is the skull & cross bones for Steven. I carved both.
And here's our little pirate. All set to go trick or treating. We decided to only hit the houses where we knew (& liked) the neighbors, so as a result we only went to 6 houses.
Marcia's house. The first house. They had some sort of smoke machine under the stairs, it was very cool. John was enthralled.
I LOVE this picture. It's on the way home from Fern's house. Although, I almost tumbled ass over backwards trying to get a picture while he was running towards me. Actually I'm sort of surprised that I didn't fall over.
We thought we were prepared. We knew that since halloween was on a Friday that it would be busy. And since we live in a VERY family oriented neighborhood that it would be busy. AND that since the weather was gorgeous IT WOULD BE BUSY. What we didn't realize is that we get 204 kids and we would run out of soda at 8:30pm and have to turn out the lights and bring in the pumpkins. Fortunately, after we turned out the lights no-one knocked on the door.
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