ELEVEN MONTHS OLD. Can you even believe it? John and his beloved remote control. Every day is simply amazing. He's cruising around the house, from piece of furniture to toy piano to toy car to overturned laundry basket. Anything that he can slide along the ground, he will take advantage of and become very mobile. We've let him stand alone but it's only mere seconds before his bum hits the floor. He crawls at the speed of light. He zooms over to Riley, veers off and zooms over to the remote control or the cup of water. He loves grabbing his bum cream while we're changing his diaper. He also loves being squirmy while having his diaper changed, it's become quite the battle of wills and a test of speed and determination to get the diaper changed while not flinging poo everywhere. It's like John feels it is his job to test us. I still love his adult sized farts coming from such a tiny little baby. They make me laugh. The only real things that John says are: Dada and Ra. (Daddy & Riley). And then of course is his shouting. It's still like he's trying to tell you something very very important but you are just not understanding him. His laugh is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. And his facial expressions are priceless. I wonder what he thinks about.
I mean c'mon! Look at that face. What is he thinking about?