Monday, October 21, 2013

Yeh, I Know Life Isn't Fair

I was watching the news tonight.  I am fuming.  Absolutely furious.  Heartbroken.  Devastated and disillusioned.

I am not even going to hold back.

There is this fucking piece of shit that had the privilege of having a baby and she killed her son.  Her 26 day old son.  I don't fucking care that she was only 18 years old.  I don't fucking care that she was "turning her life around".  I don't fucking care that it was hard.


They released more details about the baby's injuries.  This poor, poor little baby had old injuries that were 1-2 weeks old.  This 26 day old baby had old injuries.  I am not a violent or hateful person but I hate this girl.  And would gladly kick the shit out of her.

I can't even imagine what the fuck this piece of shit bitch did to this defenceless baby.  AND don't even get me started that she wasn't on her own.  She was living in her parent's basement.  Where the fuck were they?  WHERE?  Who was looking out for this baby?

Why?  Why does this fucking piece of shit have the chance to have a baby but I can't have another?  I am so angry at the injustice.  I hate this.

And then I have my son asking me "why doesn't God give us a baby?"

FUCK FUCK FUCK.  I know that life isn't fair and you live the best life that you have but c'mon.  That bitch isn't the only one out there that is abusing her child. 

And then there's us.  We have so much love.  And sometimes it feels like we just get shit on.  It's difficult to remain optimistic and positive and not sink into depression again.

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