Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I wanted to mention that I think John's playschool is awesome.  Sure registration was a nightmare but I hear that after all the issues last year, they've changed some features for this year.

Anyway, one of the major reasons that I picked this one was because they had access to a pool, a library, a large play area, a jungle gym and a gymnasium.  The class size was 20 kids and 2 teachers.  And if they have a field trip then they need to have a certain number of parent volunteers otherwise the trip is cancelled.

So far this year they've gone swimming three times, had nature walks, they alternate between the jungle gym and the gymnasium, there's craft time every day and they believe in learning through play.  They are going to a pet store tomorrow and at the beginning of next month they are going bowling.

He's been invited to birthday parties and playdates.

Frankly, he's thriving.

My regret?  That he wasn't able to attend last year because he wasn't fully potty trained.  And that I failed to enroll him the year prior to that because I was under the misguided belief that we'd be moving from the area and we wouldn't want to take him across the city to playschool.  I definitely had my head up my ass on that one.  Because 3 years later and we're still in this house.

I want so much for John to have everything that I didn't have.  And I want him to have experiences.  I want him to have friends.  I want him to learn how to be a friend.  I want him to be a good person.

A couple nights ago he was telling me about a boy in his class.  A boy, who at the beginning of the year was his BEST FRIEND.  A boy who always played with John.  A boy we'll call Bob. 

So John tells me that: "Bob no want to be my friend.  And I don't know why".
and as he's telling me this John's face is scrunching up and his nose and forehead are all wrinkled.\

Did you hear that?  That was the sound of my heart breaking.

He doesn't want to be John's friend.  All I can think is Why?  Why wouldn't everyone want to be John's friend?  I wondered if it was just Bob.  I wondered if my baby is playing by himself at playschool.  I wanted to hug him tight and cry.

And yes, I am completely over reacting.  I realize that.

Because after talking further....

John: "Bob no very nice."
John: "I play with ____ and ____ and _____"
John: "and I play with ____ and ____"
John: "_____ and ____.  they my girlfriends.  both of them"

So yes, my son is fine.  I however may not survive.

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