We finally transitioned John from his crib to a big boy bed. Although, the word transition implies that we put much more effort into this process than we actually did.
Our method was telling John about a big boy bed. How exciting a big boy bed would be. How wonderful a big boy bed was. How he shouldn't pee in a big boy bed.
We sort of shopped around. Originally we thought, hey a bunk bed would be awesome. I had bunk beds growing up and aside from nailing myself in the head every now & then, the bunk beds were great. And then when we got older, the bunk beds dissembled and they were two separate beds.
Then we saw the captain's bed with drawers underneath. What a wonderful storage idea.
Because we are bargain shoppers, we shopped around. We checked online.
Then because we are complete knobs. We consulted our 3-year old and let him decide what bed to purchase.
We bought the biggest bed and the most inappropriate bed ever. Did you know that the recommended age is 6yrs old to be on the top bunk? Did you know that the maximum weight is 150lbs for the top bunk? Yeh, so pretty much only Dawna, Libby & for maybe the next year Russ will be allowed on the top bunk.
But John loves his big boy bed.
Sweat equity, can't beat it. He's a walking ad for Home Depot.
John loves his tools.

Steven loves his tools too.

Never too early to start learning.

Right there, over weight allowance. When I was up there, I was scared that I was going to fall through.
First night.
Can you see what is missing?
No bedrail. At this point, Steven felt that John didn't need one. I disagreed.
How adorable is he?
My boys. John wants Riley on the bed. But could you imagine? Riley would never leave the bed if he thought that he was allowed up there. Not to mention all the dog hair.
I envision Riley sleeping in his room, but so far he's not liking the idea.
Nite, nite baby boy.

Now I lay me down to sleep.

On night two, he fell out of bed. Steven & John went to buy a bed rail the following morning.