The other thing that Steven wanted to do was go for a scenic drive. Gah. If you know me, then you know that I would prefer not to be in a vehicle for longer than 4 hours. AND the thought of a scenic drive is never at the top of my "to do" list. So because I love my dear husband, we went on a drive. Where? Where are we going?

John: My "nap". My "nap"! (map)
John: Here. Turn here.

Oh, there. That's where we're going.

And we stopped for lunch. So gorgeous.

This was the view at lunch. Breathtaking.

I wanted to stop to take a nice scenery picture. Isn't it beautiful? And then a couple minutes later, Steven did the old "drive away as she reaches for the door handle". Haha, jokes on him because John got a little upset when he realized that Mama might be left behind.

Unbelievable, huh? I would hate to drive this stretch at dusk or at night...or at the speed limit.

At first glance you'd think the waterfalls would be the focal point. And then you realize, holy shit, look at Cindy's camera lens.

Wishing Well. I wish for...these are my wishes, right there.

Relaxing on the deck.

One degree away from a brain freeze.

This is my perfect vacation picture.
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