I remember when I used to go all out for New Year's Eve. Remember those days? The need to know which was the best party. Making sure that all your friends were going to the same party. Getting tickets. Getting all dressed up. Getting wasted. Counting down to midnight. Partying until the wee hours of the morning. Waiting FOREVER for a cab. Being so hungover the next afternoon when you finally wake up.
Oh those were the days. Now I just try and stay awake until midnight and then I go to bed.
Although this year was slightly different.
Ed was in town and came by for dinner. Nothing beats a bunch of appetizers for dinner. Love it. We didn't get dressed up but John sort of dressed up. My friend, Alaysha, sent him this jacket when he was born. (this jacket and a pair of biker boots.) We've been waiting for John to be big enough to wear the jacket.
I made homemade vanilla ice cream with my new ice cream maker. (I know how to party, don't I?)
And then because we are super boring, Ed left to go to a party with some other more entertaining friends.
Steven, John & I watched the hockey game. Then as per the normal routine, John went to bed. Steven & I continued to watch TV. I celebrated the new year by drinking some white wine. (woot! Go me!)
11:50pm. I decide to go to bed. I know. Lame. I can't even wait 10 minutes.
11:55pm. I open John's bedroom door and was hit by a wave of highly recognizable stench. There was no mistaking this reek. He had thrown up. I momentarily toy with the idea of letting him sleep thru the night and cleaning up in the morning since he's sleeping so peacefully. But then I give my head a shake and call for Steven for help.
I turn the light on and see patches of vomit on his sheet, some on the blankets, his stuffies and finally on him. We lift him out and lay him out and discuss all the options. Then Steven points out the vomit on the wall.
And then the realization hits me. There is vomit all the way down the wall, on the side of the crib, on the side of the mattress and mattress pad, the crib bumper pads.
We move the crib.
Holy shit.
There's vomit stuck on the wall all the way to the floor. It's on the electrical outlet. Thank God for the baby proof wall plugs....I may not have to be electrocuted while cleaning.
And then. And then. The pile of vomit on the carpet and on various things that I store under the crib.
After cleaning John up. John & Steven went to bed in our bed. And I cleaned up. And did a load of laundry. And stayed up until nearly 2:00am.
Happy New Year.