I meant to do the Hallowe'en post on the day after but it was a stressful weekend so I apologize for the long wait. I'll explain more about the stress later. I'd rather talk about happier things.
John wasn't too thrilled with the prospect of wearing the dinosaur costume. We brought out the costume a couple weeks before Hallowe'en with the thought that we'd slowly introduce the concept of wearing the outfit and by the time the big night rolled around he'd be ALL OVER the idea of wearing the dino-suit. We thought that we were geniuses.
Every day, we'd diligently talk about how exciting it would be to wear the costume and how much fun it would be. And "oh my gosh, what sound does a dinosaur make?" John would ROAR like a dinosaur. But sadly, he did not want to wear the costume. He'd wear the dino-head sporadically and for seconds at a time.
On the night of the 31st, I had the brilliant idea that I would also dress up and we'd have so much fun and it would so cute and exciting. Not that thrilled with the idea. But what we hadn't thought about was when John saw the
other kids dressed up. Never underestimate the power of his peers. When he saw the first kid at the door, he got pretty excited and after that it was no problem keeping him in the dinosaur costume.
Steven's 30-second pumpkin. Everyone loved this one.

John is such a poser.

The obligatory pumpkin pose.

My pumpkin.

Steven's pumpkin. We're definitely parents.

Raggedy Ann and the Dinosaur.
John & I went to a couple houses.

And Steven & John went to a couple houses.

I think John had more fun giving treats out.

Checking out the treat bag.

"Don't forget about your best friend!"

John was amazed.

Dad making sure that the candy is "safe".